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Hi Friend. 🤗 We sure hope you love our products, but sometimes things don’t work as planned. If you’re not satisfied with an order, you may return it at no additional charge within 30 days of the original purchase date.
Refund Information
Once your refund is approved, we’ll issue a refund for the full purchase price on your original method of payment. You’ll receive an email when your credit has been processed, typically within one week of received return date.
Replacing Damaged or Defective Items
If you received a damaged item in shipping, please contact us for instructions and an expedited replacement order. We are unable to repair damaged or defective items.
To ensure our customers have an optimal shopping experience, Bestie Bagz™ and Bestie Giftz™ may limit or suspend the refund/return policy in circumstances of excessive use, abuse, or suspected fraud. We are also not responsible for lost or stolen packages.
Start a Return
Please have the order number handy for quick processing. Start your return here.